There are a lot of things I could write about, should write about, and probably still will write about, but how about this: wedding stress.
I have none. Having a wedding planner for a cousin doesn’t hurt anything, but really, someone tell me what has people so riled up that a term has been coined for hellish brides (bridezilla)?? A wedding should be a time of celebration. One big party for everyone who loves you to join with you in the new partnership you are undertaking. Mind you, it’s only June. We still have 113 days till the party of our lives. 113 days to scurry around making the most ridiculous decisions that are only acceptable on this one particular day. 113 days, well … who’s counting? Anyway, someone shoot me a copy of this blog the moment I feel the onset of my first panic attack. Supposedly it’s coming any day now. Watch out world- I, am getting married.