Some people try to come up with guidelines for what dating looks like. While each relationship will be unique, it’s worthwhile to have a specific set of conversations before starting to date.
Have you both talked to God? When we look to God for guidance and confirmation, He will provide it—given time and patience. Prayer is a powerful thing, and asking God to guide you both as you consider dating will most likely help you get on the same page about moving forward into a relationship or not.
Have you talked to others? God has put friends, parents and others in our lives to provide insight and wisdom. If you are thinking about a romantic relationship, talk to a friend, ta trusted adult or your parents for advice. All of these people will have your best interests at heart. They might see a positive or negative about your potential relationship that you don’t see. Having the blessing and support of those closest to you will help strengthen your relationship?
Have you talked to him/her? Maybe that sounds a little obvious, but it’s important. If you aren’t on the same page about what you’re both looking for, there will be hurt feelings and issues to work through pretty quickly.
Have you talked to yourself? This question has to do with understanding why you want to be in a relationship. If you’re not looking to serve and give to other person, it may be a good idea to wait on dating. Love requires sacrifice and unselfishness. It’s OK to feel like you might not be able to give to anyone right now. It’s also OK to feel like you’re mature and ready. Either way, take some time and self-reflect before dating someone.