Let’s talk about life.
These are the top-read articles in the life category from Relevant in 2017.
No. 1: What Waiting Looks Like When You’ve Already Had Sex
Oof. This is a big one. In this article, the author shares a heart-wrenching story of buying herself a purity ring after having sex previously, and explains that it’s never too late to become a new creation in Christ.
No. 2: Everything My Church Taught Me About Sex and Marriage Is Wrong
Noted: Don’t take advice from people who brag about their “smoking hot wives.” This piece dissects two lies that are often told in the church about sex and marriage. 1. Sex is about me, and 2. Marriage and sex are completely different.
No. 3: 5 Things Christians Should Know About Depression and Anxiety
Though it’s a difficult and often touchy subject to analyze from a Christian perspective, due to varying perspectives about mental health throughout the Church, depression and anxiety are two things that are prevalent in our generation today. If we as the Church are going to discuss these issues, as we should, there are a few things to know beforehand.
No. 4: Are Christian Guys Not Taking Dating Seriously?
Why aren’t Christian men dating? This article, written from a guy’s point of view, explains the fears that many men consider about dating.
No. 5: 6 Practical Tips to Free Yourself From Your Phone
Let’s face it, it’s super easy to become slaves to our phones and social media. But at some point we all need to take a break and unwind. Here’s how.
No. 6: Your Kids Aren’t the Priority. Your Spouse Is.
Sometimes becoming a parent can weaken or even ruin a marriage completely when you put your child before your spouse. “Strong marriages make for strong families, and it’s worth it to invest in our marriages so that we don’t lose intimacy with our spouse in the busy years of parenting.”
No. 7: The Big Lie Everyone Believes About Having Kids
Having a baby changes friendships and relationships, no matter what. But that doesn’t mean they have to end entirely.
No. 8: Is It OK for Married People to Text the Opposite Sex?
Uh, no. After all, affairs don’t always start in person.
No. 9: 5 Things to Stop Doing in Your 20s
They say that your 20s are quite literally the best years of your life. Here are five things you should stop doing, and how to make the best of these essential years of growth.
No. 10: Two Words That Could End Your Marriage
Marriage is hard. At some point the difficulty begins to set in, and couples become disillusioned. The term “the one” creates an image of a perfect person, which can distort reality. Here’s how to get back on track after falling into the trap of this ideal.