Yesterday, we had an epic tournament to determine what the ultimate Thanksgiving side dish is. Here’s the winner, followed by the definitive ranking of all of your suggestions:
1. Stuffing
You all voted, and stuffing was the ultimate Thanksgiving side dish. Despite what the GIF says, it’s not just bread! It has all kinds of great stuff in it that isn’t bread.
And apparently, there are quite a few different (and weird) types. Seafood stuffing, oyster stuffing, and liver gizzard stuffing are just a couple of your interesting renditions of this popular side dish.
2. Baked macaroni and cheese
It came as no surprise that this was the runner-up for best Thanksgiving side dish. There’s really nothing like fresh, homemade baked macaroni and cheese, especially in comparison to the Velveeta boxed mac and cheese that you’re used to.
3. Sweet potato casserole (with marshmallows)
Sweet potato casserole is a truly a classic for Thanksgiving dinner, and topping it with marshmallows makes it an even more festive dish.
4. Pumpkin pie
Though we aren’t quite sure how this got voted as one of the best “side dishes” for Thanksgiving, we’re not complaining. Pumpkin pie season starts on the last day of August in our book.
5. Cornbread
Yaaaaaas! No other explanation necessary.
6. Mashed potatoes and gravy
I think we can all agree that while this might not take precedence as our favorite side dish, we really can’t have Thanksgiving dinner without a portion of our plate being overtaken by a mountain of mashed potatoes and gravy. Or a separate plate full of them. We don’t judge.
7. Collard greens
While mass amounts of starch are really the epitome of a solid Thanksgiving dinner, it’s always good to have a balance! Collard greens are a side dish that makes you feel like you’re eating something healthy, when in reality, they’re just there to balance out your side plate of mashed potatoes.
8. Cheese bread
Truthfully, any kind of bread is a blessing to see on our tables, but this one is truly a godsend. Garlic bread topped with cheese? Yes, please.
9. Cheese and crackers
Cheese and crackers are one of the absolute best Thanksgiving sides for the sole purpose that it’s normally the first thing on the table, so you can steal a few pieces and snack before everyone else sits down. Also, who doesn’t love cheese?
10. Creamed corn
It’s hard to find a good picture of creamed corn, but it’s a Thanksgiving staple.
11. Homemade rolls
This side deserves better. It should be much farther up in this list. Whether they’re truly homemade or just Hawaiian sweet rolls that you coated with butter and put in the oven for 10 minutes, you can’t have Thanksgiving—or any holiday dinner for that matter—without them.
12. Candied yams
Say no more.
13. Baked sweet potato
If you dress it up like this, we’ll allow it.
14. Sweet potato pie
Definitely not as good as pumpkin pie, but it comes in close second.
15. Corn casserole (corn pudding)
Corn seems to be the staple side dish component this season.
16. Green bean casserole
The only way to eat green beans.
17. Asparagus almondine
Another healthy side item to make you feel good about yourself!
18. Ambrosia
This is the only time of year we want our food to touch, but who would let this touch anything?
19. Deviled eggs
These are good, but they’re an appetizer, not a side.
20. Chicken and noodles
If you’re not sick or living in Alaska, who’s eating this?
21. Strawberry pretzel “salad”
At first we thought that this would be a very odd dish … and then we saw the picture and are convinced otherwise. We need this on our dessert table. The only reason this is so far down is because so few people seem to know about it.
22. Glazed carrots
Yawn. Boring.
23. Cranberry sauce
Is this even a side?