On Tuesday, a young lady named Coco finished her final round of chemotherapy and was cleared to go home. Her nurses even performed a little song to congratulate her on the big day, as documented by her mother April Danz.
Who wants a feel good moment during this madness?? My sweet girl finished chemo today. pic.twitter.com/cckQtY6VrO
— April Danz (@momuses) March 25, 2020
But that was just the warmup. As Coco and her mom pulled into their neighborhood, Coco’s friends, family and neighbors surprised her with a big, appropriately distanced parade in her honor. There were posters, balloons, streamers and music — all with a safe six feet of distance between the various households. Danz shared the video in response to a tweet from John Krasinski, asking for a little good news amidst all the bad stuff.
#SomeGoodNews my daughter, Coco, finished her final chemo treatment yesterday and our friends had a surprise social distancing welcome home parade for her! pic.twitter.com/CI2um08ird
— April Danz (@momuses) March 25, 2020
“Well, this is one of the greatest things I’ve seen,” Krasinski responded. “Welcome home, Coco!”
The world keeps spinning, even in COVID-19 season.