As Disney continues its new mission to invade every nook and cranny of your life, they’ve turned their attention to one area that has seemed, until recently, a little beneath them: Netflix. But as Netflix has proved itself to be utterly capable in the original programming game, Disney is ready to give them a shot, and they’ve got the way to do it: Marvel’s vast catalog of bankable superheroes. Come 2015, look for four—count ’em, four—brand new, live-action shows featuring four of Marvel’s grittier heroes: Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones.
Daredevil we all know—he infamously forced Ben Affleck to give his career a hard reset. However, he’s long been one of Marvel’s more complicated, interesting heroes, and a television show could serve him well. Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones are all b-listers, but each brings a strong fan base and, notably, give Marvel something it’s long needed: diversity. Each series will operate in the same “universe” and will build to a single mini-series: The Defenders. Your move, DC …