A group of college students in the U.K. really want to see a new Harry Potter movie—so much so that they are attempting to raise $63,000 to just shoot their own. The students launched a Kickstarter campaign that they hope will fund the production of Mudblood and the Book of Spells, a new, original story about another student of Hogwarts. The script for the film was created with the help of Potter readers on Internet fan forums, and though they’ve attempted to reach out to J.K. Rowling, they’ve heard nothing back from the best-selling author in terms of any type of actual permissions. The group’s goal is to premiere their ambitious fan film sometime next year. One of the students leading the project also threw some shade on lame, homemade American Harry Potter spin-offs, telling the BBC, “There are no good Harry Potter fan films—they’re all American and have low production values.” You hear that? It’s time to step up your unlicensed fan film game, America …