The CEO of Levi’s has just confirmed a fact that every college student knows: you don’t need to wash your jeans. Speaking at Fortune’s Brainstorm Green Conference, Levi Strauss CEO Chip Bergh said that his denim company is the “ultimate in sustainable apparel,” and also claimed that he hasn’t washed his jeans in more than a year. So, what happens if your favorite pair of 511s start to get a little funky? The company said that all you need to do is pop them in the freezer, and just ice-out the odor. The effectiveness of this method was confirmed by fact that Jay Leno recently had an industrial-sized meat locker installed in his Los Angeles home. You can go here to watch all of Bergh’s comments, in which he speaks about sustainability, the virtues of slow fashion, secondhand apparel stores and why washing machines are overrated …