Saturday Night Live is back. The show’s 48th season brings a leaner, less tested cast to the forefront as it attempts to navigate relevance in modern times. It came back with a bang, with Miles Teller carrying hosting duties after (kind of) starring in this summer’s biggest movie. But the musical guest was the real star of the evening. Kendrick Lamar delivered another riveting performance in a career full of them, reinventing well known stages with skill, creativity and conviction.
For his SNL performances, Lamar brought “Rich Spirit,” “N95” and “Father Time” to the show, all from this year’s Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers. As with most of his music, Kendrick used these songs to explore weighty issues. On “Father Time” — which he performed his Sampha — he opens up about the wounds he’s still carrying from his father — particularly as it concerns his anxiety around therapy, an inability show his feelings and difficulty with forgiving others. “What’s the difference when your heart is made of stone and your mind is made of gold and your tongue is made of sword, but it may weaken your soul?” he asks. A good question.
For the rest of the month, we’ve got Willow and, pulling double duty as both host and musical guest, Megan Thee Stallion.