Facebook announced on their blog today that they’re going to start rolling out an “experiment” (good use of the word “experiment,” Facebook), wherein any old person will be able to send you a Facebook message for a mere dollar, regardless of whether or not you’re friends with said person. It’s like, sometimes, you hardly even know what Facebook is anymore. Technically, anyone can already send you a Facebook message; it just goes to your “Other” folder. (You may not have even known you have an “Other” folder, but you should go check it out. Total strangers are trying to get in touch with you, and who knows, maybe one of them will become the love of your life.) But now, it’ll go straight to your Inbox, provided they’re willing to shell out a buck to get it there. On the bright side, only people will be able to send you messages—not companies—so that may cut down on spam a bit. On the downside, get ready for a million invitations to every local Battle of the Bands competition thrown in your city …