Nudity is looking less attractive to some of the biggest stars in the entertainment world. One of the voices speaking out is Emilia Clarke, star of the nudity-filled Game of Thrones.
“Most sex scenes you see in films or on TV are gratuitous. They’re usually just to attract an audience,” she told The Daily Mail.
That’s not the audience Clarke wants. The actress—who now refuses to do nude scenes on the controversial series—told the show’s creators, “I want to be known for my acting, not for my breasts.”
Similarly, actress Jessica Alba recently added her voice. While she admits she’s not against nude scenes theoretically, she told Allure she sees only one result of going nude: “If anything, it was just going to exploit me for no reason.”
Another actress, Jessica Chastain, complained to Radio Times about the film industry’s propensity to cast female action heroes not for their characters, but for their bodies.
“Studios … try to make women very sexualized,” she said. “They have to be in some catsuit.”
Chastain thinks audiences are actually more interested in seeing “intelligent” characters.
“Studios have misjudged it in the past and thought audiences weren’t interested in seeing a woman in an action role who is a capable, intelligent woman—and isn’t only leaning on her sex.”
These women don’t claim moral reasons to ditch nudity, but they are questioning a ploy that values what they do for bottom lines more than what they do.