This article from the New York Times is long, but worth a read. Some of our thoughts are after the jump. Check out the article and join the conversation …
1. If the Environmental Protection Agency is going to pass a law to protect Americans from lead poisoning (a good thing!), shouldn’t it also make sure there are rules in place to ensure batteries are only exported to nations with the capability to monitor lead levels?
2. How can American companies be held responsible (by all of us, as consumers) if they sicken kids in other countries?
3. Who knew lead was such a major—and in-demand—mineral?
4. Those American lead-recycling centers seem crazy/amazing. Surely there must be a way to make sure batteries American consumers want to recycle go to American centers rather than Mexican centers.
5. If Congress is seriously about creating American jobs, shouldn’t they be concerned about industry exports that lead to the dissolution of whole recycling centers?
What do you think? How can American Christians work to keep Mexican citizens—particularly the most innocent and vulnerable among them—aren’t harmed by our batteries? Weigh in below.