After reporting that they had confirmation that a suspect had been arrested in connection with the Boston Marathon bombings, CNN was forced to backtrack and say they were now getting reports that no arrests have been made and, well, the general consensus right now is that nobody’s quite sure what’s going on. CNN is calling reports “conflicted,” but all other media sources seem confident that nobody is currently in custody. But an unidentified source is standing by their information, so even knows? The FBI released a irritated-sounding statement, saying “Contrary to widespread reporting, there have been no arrests made in connection with the Boston Marathon attack. Over the past day and a half, there have been a number of press reports based on information from unofficial sources that has been inaccurate. Since these stories often have unintended consequences, we ask the media, particularly at this early stage of the investigation, to exercise caution and attempt to verify information through appropriate official channels before reporting” …