When this 64-year-old man from Calgary, received a call informing him that he’d won the $40 million jackpot in the Western Canadian Lottery, he kept the news to himself for nearly six months. But when he had to come forward and get his picture taken as part of a promotion to receive the cash, he decided to finally tell his kids and let them know what he planned to do with the fortune: Give it all away. He’s put the money in a trust so that the family can donate it to different charities over time, all in honor of the man’s wife who passed away after a battle with cancer. The retired CEO told the CBC, “I’ve been fortunate enough, through my career, 44 years with a company. I did very well for myself. I’ve done enough that I can look after myself, for my kids, so they can get looked after into the future. I don’t really need that money” …