A recent report from the Kaiser Family Foundation highlights a startling statistic: Nearly one in five adults in the United States say they know someone who was killed by a gun, including death by suicide.
The study also found that people of color are disproportionately impacted by gun violence, with three in 10 Black adults and one-fifth of Hispanic respondents saying they have witnessed someone being shot. In addition to the impact on communities of color, the study revealed that 21 percent of respondents said they had been personally threatened with a gun.
This year alone, 11,631 deaths have occurred from gun violence and 8,900 have been injured as of April 11. Experts predict that 2023 will have the most mass shootings in American history.
Just yesterday, five people were killed when a former employee opened fire at Old National Bank in Louisville. Two weeks earlier, six people – including three children – were murdered by a former student at Nashville’s Covenant School.