How’s everybody doing out there? Having a good day? Getting ready for Thanksgiving? Thinking about seceding from the Union? According to the Daily Caller, you’re not alone.
… petitions from seven states have collected enough signatures to trigger a promised review from the Obama administration. By 6:00 a.m. EST Wednesday, more than 675,000 digital signatures appeared on 69 separate secession petitions covering all 50 states, according to a Daily Caller analysis of requests lodged with the White House’s “We the People” online petition system. A petition from Vermont, where talk of secession is a regular feature of political life, was the final entry.
You know what they say. If you can’t take the heat, start your own country. Obviously, anyone’s free to sign a petition who wants to, but you have to wonder if these people have thought through seceding completely. Once you secede from the Union, can you even celebrate Thanksgiving? Has anyone started thinking about that? …