A wise man once said, “Take up your cross and follow me.” In today’s cultural context, this verse has a new translation. While Jesus has yet to set up His own verified Twitter account, there are a number of other members worth your attention. The social networking phenomenon has lured in several theologians, writers and ministers who can pack a powerful status update, as well as prove even the loftiest minds deserve an idle break sometimes. Plus, your conscience may feel a bit cleaner about checking your Twitter in class when you’re following names such as these.
Tony Jones
This father of three conquered the hallowed halls of academia, earning an M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in practical theology from Princeton. The go-to speaker is the author of resources like The Sacred Way and The New Christians. He’s also just a pretty cool guy.
Follow: @jonestony
Notable tweets:
“Up early to work on tomorrow’s sermon. Then a day of Lego building.”
Rob Bell
If you’re a modern seminary student, chances are you don’t need to be introduced to Rob Bell. From the Nooma films to his newest book, Drops Like Stars, the Mars Hill Bible Church pastor continues to be a creative and theological force. So here is one more medium by which you can collect his nuggets of wisdom.
Follow: @realrobbell
Notable tweets:
“Number of times the following words are found in the Bible: Christianity – 0 Christian – 3 Disciple – 263”
Peter Rollins
This Belfast, Ireland native holds three degrees from Queens University, including a Ph.D. in post-structural thought. His most recent book is titled The Orthodox Heretic and Other Impossible Tales. Stay up-to-date on his button-pushing ponderings.
Follow: @peterrollins
Notable tweet:
“Sometimes, while walking home late at night, I get the scary feeling that no one is watching me.”