We are pastoring our cities side by side. Yet at the same time we have no idea what anyone is doing to contribute to the mission of the Kingdom of God outside of our local church. But as of 3:23p.m. on May 6, 2009 all of that is going to change!
We want to do a photo story in our next Neue Quarterly that captures the images that are happening all over the world as we are all doing ministry at 3:23p.m. EST. What this means for you is that I need you to get a camera that’s at least a 5 megapixel camera set on the highest quality setting. If you don’t have one, there is a good chance that someone at your church does (This would be an excellent time to call in that favor for helping them move last year.) Once you get the camera, I need you to have it with you and take a picture of whatever ministry looks like from your perspective at 3:23p.m. EST on May 6, 2009. It doesn’t matter if you are in a staff meeting, coffee shop, prayer meeting, counseling session (looking forward to this one), etc. … we want to see what ministry looks like from your perspective.
Once you take the picture it would be amazing if you were able to stop whatever you and those around you might be doing and pray for the people who are doing ministry all over the country and world at that very same minute. I really think this is going to be an amazing experience for us to be reminded of the Church that we are all a part of. As well, the collection of these images is going to be an outstanding way for us to see how we are all giving ourselves to the calling that God has placed on our lives in our own way.
So here is a detailed recap of what I need you to do…
01] Beg, borrow or steal a camera that is at least a 5 megapixel camera and is set to the highest quality setting.
02] Take a picture of whatever ministry looks like from your perspective at exactly 3:23p.m. EST on May 6, 2009.
03] Pray with whoever is with you for those who are doing ministry at that very same minute, all over the world.
04] Email us at [email protected] and include your photo, your name, your church name, what you do and a one sentence description of what kind of ministry was happening from your perspective at 3:23p.m. EST on May 6, 2009.
I cannot wait to see what you are doing to advance the mission of God in the world at 3:23p.m. EST on May 6, 2009!