The Brooklyn Nine-Nine redemption narrative continues on NBC. The network has renewed the popular sitcom for a seventh season, extending their commitment to the show a second time since picking it up from Fox.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine was cancelled last year by Fox, much to the chagrin of its fans and the TV-loving world. However, NBC, longtime proponents of Nine-Nine co-creator Mike Schur’s other shows, including Parks and Recreation and The Good Place, was quick to snatch the program from the jaws of death. NBC initially ordered a 13-episode sixth season, but that was quickly extended to 18. So far, season six has aired a strong seven episodes.
For many viewers, Nine-Nine scratches the workplace comedy itch left by the endings of Parks and Rec and The Office. The show has held a strong 1.4 million viewer average in its new season, well up from its ratings on Fox. (h/t Variety)
That’s right, Nine-Nine is back and it’s not going anywhere for the time being. Even Captain Holt could crack a smile at that.