Since actor Terry Crews posted a video confessional to Facebook earlier this month opening up about his past pornography addiction, he’s received an influx of questions from fans who are struggling with addiction and want help. This unexpected and refreshingly honest dialog has led to two more videos from Crews that talk through the differences between guilt and shame, and the importance of confronting the problem of pornography.
“Women, you need to be fearless. You need to confront your man about this problem,” he says in one of the new videos, which are filmed while he’s driving around Los Angeles. (He has yet post a save driving confessional.) “You cannot accept any pornography in your life.”
In the most recent video, posted yesterday, Crews described porn as “an intimacy killer.”
“Every time I watched it, I was walled off. It was like another brick that came between me and my wife. And the truth is, everything you need for intimacy is in your [partner].”
Crews, in addition to being amazingly straightforward on a subject that could be easily considered a scandal, has cracked open a subject that seems often to go under the radar, especially in an highly sexualized place like Hollywood. Check the videos out: