After ripping our nostalgic little hearts out and stomping all over them, Toys ‘R’ Us might actually be reopening after all, according to CNN Money.
Back in June, the 70-year-old toy company retailer closed all of its 800 U.S. stores and filed for bankruptcy, causing over 31,000 people to lose their jobs. Toys ‘R’ Us had planned to auction the rights of its brand. But once bidders started making offers, the company canceled the auction altogether.
According to the court filing, the company said that it’s “considering a new, operating Toys ‘R’ Us and Babies ‘R’ Us branding company to create new domestic retail operating businesses under the Toys ‘R’ Us and Babies ‘R’ Us names, as well as expand its international presence and further develop its private brands business.”
Fingers crossed. You’re in our prayers, Geoffrey.