An 80-year-old Russian shepherd was just wandering around, minding his own business, when he ran afoul an angry bear. One thing led to another and the two got into a scuffle, as all too often happens in these inter-species exchanges. Obviously, most of us would have probably turned tail and ran for our lives (or played dead—whatever it is you’re supposed to do) but most of us aren’t Yusuf Alchagirov, who has lived too long and seen too much to let a little thing like a bear scare him. He attempted to attack the bear with his knife, which the bear swatted away, and then resorted to headbutting the bear which didn’t work either but, well, you have to give him credit. The bear responded by throwing Alchagirov off a cliff, which the octogenarian survived with only a few bruises, some broken ribs and bite wounds. His family celebrated his happy return with three traditional pies, which are very well deserved …