Sometimes it pays to have a sweet haircut. (And if you’re smart enough to also land a 1-ton robotic rover on a far-off planet, well, that’s a plus, as well.) The mohawked NASA engineer whose star-themed haircut went viral following the Mars rover “Curiosity” landing will sit next to First Lady Michelle Obama at tonight’s State of the Union address. Bobak Ferdowsi, an Iranian-American, will help underscore the president’s platform of offering more visas to immigrants skilled in the fields of math and science. On the other side of the common-sense spectrum, a Texas congressman has personally invited ‘80s rock star Ted Nugent to the event as his guest—the same Ted Nugent who was recently visited by the Secret Service after a rant in which he proclaimed he would either be “dead or in jail” if the president was re-elected. Keep it classy, Nuge …