North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un made international headlines after he arranged for the execution of his own uncle, the country’s No. 2 in command, for being “despicable human scum” (that this, according to the unbiased state-run newspaper). Now, the authoritarian regime is erasing him from the country’s history. The Guardian is reporting that the North Korean government has since deleted thousands of articles on the websites of its state-controlled media outlets that made reference to the official . If this sounds familiar, that’s because it’s the exact same plot as the book 1984. Orwell fans may remember that the novel’s main character worked at the “Ministry of Truth,” and it was his job to rewrite history in state-controlled media to reflect the latest whims of the psychotic government. Secretary of State John Kerry said that the execution of the official is a sign of “how ruthless and reckless” the young ruler is and is an “ominous sign of the instability” within the reclusive country …