Another study has been released showing the rise of what’s being called “the nones,” the group of Americans who do not identify with any religious category. In fact, the Public Religion Research Institute’s most recent study claims that twenty-one percent of Americans identify as “nones.” The study’s margin for error doesn’t allow for any huge proclamations yet, but as PRRI’s CEO Robert Jones says, “Nones are dancing on the razor’s edge of leading.”
This isn’t quite as godless as it looks at first blush. A 2012 study says that atheists and agnostics only make up about thirty-six percent of the nones, while thirty-nine percent just say that they’re “not religious.” But there has been a recent surge in what are being called “unattached believers,” who make up about twenty-three percent of Nones; they say that they believe in God, but don’t identify with a particular religious brand …