According to a recent study conducted at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Christians are happier than atheists … at least on Twitter. The researchers analyzed the language of nearly 2 million tweets from two groups of users—one composed of people who follow prominent Christians, and one from users who follow notable atheists. According to their findings, the Christian Twitter users were more likely to use words like “love,” “happy,” “team,” “great” and “family,” whereas atheists more frequently used terms like “bad,” “wrong,” “awful,” “think” and “reason.” A writer for the blog Friendly Atheist, took note with the study, calling it “useless and misleading” and suggested it was based on “sloppy research.” Which, even they would have to admit, are pretty negative statements. We would like to go on record as saying, “We love the research from the team and are happy with the great outcome. Family” …