As 2016 comes to a close, the two-year cultural debate about #blacklivesmatter and #alllivesmatter is taking on renewed life. Now some prominent Christians are speaking out, explaining why Christians should reject #alllivesmatter.
“The #alllivesmatter hashtag is like spitting in the face of black folk,” hip-hop artist Lecrae posted to Instagram following a recent shooting of an unarmed black man. “Not because all lives don’t matter. Of course they do. But it’s very clear that black lives don’t to many in this country. … True faith stands up for the oppressed and the broken.”
Carl Lentz
“All lives are not at risk right now. We [at Hillsong NYC] ARE saying BLACK LIVES MATTER. Because, right now, black lives apparently are worth LESS on our streets. It’s ‘our fight’ not ‘their fight.'” —On Facebook
John Piper
“If you quickly add [#alllivesmatter], it sounds like a rebuke. … It sounds like the point that was trying to be made isn’t worth being made. Of course that is true, all lives matter, but oh how timing matters and how context matters.” —On his podcast
Austin Channing
“When the response is all lives matter, the specific purpose of proclaiming #blacklivesmatter is erased. … Instead Christians who *truly* believe all lives matter, have no problem proclaiming #blacklivesmatter.” —On Twitter