A Politico study found that while 57 percent of Republicans believe the Constitution wouldn’t allow the U.S. to declare itself a “Christian nation,” 61 percent would support doing so anyway.
This raises a lot of questions, not least of which: What does it mean to be a Christian nation? The most benign read would just mean a country with a lot of people in it who’ve decided of their own free volition to become Christians, but that doesn’t really seem to be what we’re talking about here, since the Constitution wouldn’t have anything to say about such a phenomenon.
A more troubling read is that this is a harbinger of Christian Nationalism — a formal declaration that would mix faith, politics and citizenship in such a way that would make it hard to know where one ends and the other begins; a country with laws that favor Christians. That would not only be against the Constitution but would fail basic Christian theology as well.
When Jesus told his disciples to make disciples of all nations, he knew it was a big ask. The disciples learned the hard way just how tough the mission was, since tradition has it that all but one of them was killed trying to do so. Persuading people of the truth of Jesus through love and service is hard work, very unpopular and leads to virtually no glory. It’s much easier to just seize political power and declare the nation “Christian” by force, which is probably why people wanted Jesus to do just that. But he refused to do so all the way to the cross.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the poll found that Republicans were disproportionately likely to support such a measure over Democrats. Eighty-one percent of Democratic voters believe the Constitution would not allow such a measure, and only 17 percent would support doing so. Overall, about 30 percent of Americans say the Constitution would not allow the U.S. to declare itself a Christian nation, and 38 percent would support doing so.