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Here’s the No. 1 Thing That Influences Gen Z’s Happiness

Here’s the No. 1 Thing That Influences Gen Z’s Happiness

A new survey found that Gen Z is actually pretty happy.

According to a new Gallup poll, 73% of Gen Z said they are either very (25%) or somewhat (48%) happy right now. That’s pretty startling considering reports over the last few years show that Gen Z has struggled with mental health more than any other generation. However, despite fluctuating mental health on top of a global pandemic, socioeconomic instability, etc., it seems that a majority of Gen Z has figured out how to find happiness.

So, what exactly drives happiness among Gen Z?

The study points to a crucial factor: purpose. Gen Zers who report being happy consistently said they were engaging daily in something interesting that made their life feel meaningful in some way. Sixty percent of happy Gen Zers said that they participate in an interesting hobby or activity every day, compared to a mere 28% of those who don’t consider themselves happy.

Closely tied to happiness is the sense of significance and direction in life. Three out of four Gen Z said they feel like their life matters, while around half said they have a clear sense of direction. The data underscores the crucial connection between finding work or school activities meaningful and feeling that life has purpose and direction.

The bottom line is clear: engaging in daily activities that make life meaningful is pivotal to Gen Z’s happiness. Additionally, the study identifies adequate sleep and relaxation as strong predictors of overall happiness.

And that’s something that all generations should keep in mind.

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