In regards to money and fortune, sometimes artists just can’t seem to get it right. For example, in regards to Lil Wayne’s “Got Money,” he suggests that if you have money (and you know it), you should take it out of your pocket and show it, then throw it. But maybe, if you actually have money, you should probably keep it in your pocket, and use it to pay off your student loans. But I digress.
Because they have such a high influx of cash, rappers and pop artists don’t always understand the value of money, which reflects in their musical art. But here are a few times that artists actually got money right, in a way that’s, at least somewhat, relatable.
“Mo Money, Mo Problems” // Notorious B.I.G.
Who’s hot, who not? Big Poppa, one of the greats. In this certified bop, he suggests that the more money that you acquire, the more problems that tend to arise in your life, which is unfortunately, extremely accurate, and not only as far as taxes are involved.
I don’t know what they want from me
It’s like the more money we come across
The more problems we see
“Billionaire” // Bruno Mars, Travie McCoy
Bruno Mars and Travie McCoy want to be billionaires so bad. I think that we can all relate to this one on some level or another. After all, who doesn’t want to be on the cover of Forbes with Oprah and the Queen?
The good news is, Travie wants to use his money for good. In this one, he says that if he does indeed become a billionaire, he’ll “probably pull an Angelina and Brad Pitt” by adopting a lot of babies that are far less fortunate than his billionaire self.
“Glamorous” // Fergie
In this pop karaoke classic, not only do you get a spelling lesson on the word glamorous, but Fergie is super relatable in that she says no matter how much money she makes, she still hits up the Taco Bell drive through from time to time. This just tells us that even more fortunate people like Fergie enjoy a cheesy gordita every now and again.
“Thrift Shop” // Macklemore
Going shopping with Macklemore is not limited to places like Gucci, Louis, Fendi or Prada, but rather, thrift shops. If this song doesn’t make you want to visit your nearest Goodwill and “pop some tags” yourself, you’re lying. And truthfully, it seems as though Macklemore really doesn’t have a problem with only having $20 in his pocket. If only some of us could be as grateful.
I’ma take your grandpa’s style, I’ma take your grandpa’s style
No, for real, ask your grandpa, can I have his hand-me-downs?
“Just Got Paid” // N’SYNC
Thank God it’s Friday night, and I just got paid.
RELATABLE. This one doesn’t even need an explanation.
“Money Trees” // Kendrick Lamar
When it hit the charts back in 2012, people started to realize that this song is actually much deeper than it appears on the surface. This song talks about how poverty has symptoms, and having a lot of money changes attitudes, motives and ambitions.
But also, it’s a really cool song to count your cash to and vibe to in the car.
And I been hustlin’ all day, this a way, that a way
Through canals and alleyways, just to say
Money trees is the perfect place for shade and that’s just how I feel
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