Once a year, the Internet takes a break from its constant stream of misinformation and half truths to barrage us instead with misinformation and complete lies. It’s April Fools’ Day, which is fun for about the first thirty minutes, just before the crippling paranoia sets in, and your ability to trust your fellow man is forever destroyed. Here’s a rundown of some of the better ones.
Chrome announced that it’s going to start offering Google Translate options for emoji. Orbotix launched “Selfie Bot”—a drone that will follow you around, ready to take your selfies for you. Senator Ted Cruz showed off his new tattoo on Fox and Friends. Richard Roeper finally lowered the boom on the most overrated movies of all time (“Saving Private Ryan? How about a spoiler alert? They give away the whole movie with the title!”) Virgin Airlines and Nest teamed up for individual climate control options on airplanes. Tic-Tacs have a new “shakeless” container and, finally, Cheetos announced Cheeteau, a new Cheetos fragrance …