A growing number of young adults believe generosity is on the rise.
In a new study titled “A New Era of Giving,” Barna Research analyzed the shifting perceptions of generosity among different generations, trying to determine whether society as a whole is becoming more, less or equally generous.
According to the study, a majority of U.S. adults — regardless of their age group — believe that societal generosity remains consistent. However, more than one-third of Gen Z (35 percent) are optimistic, believing that young adults are more generous than their elders.
On the other hand, another third of Gen Z (36 percent) holds the belief that generosity is declining.
Suffice to say, there seems to be a big divide when it comes to generosity. And while it may take time to observe definitive trends, the debate seemingly centers around how one defines and values expressions of generosity: Is it solely based on finances, or does volunteering time count, too?
Gen Z, in particular, lags behind other generations when it comes to financial donations. Of course, this is due to their stage of life. Many are still pursuing higher education or embarking on their professional journeys, which may limit their ability to give financially. Despite this, 51 percent of Gen Z individuals report having given to charitable organizations, including churches.
However, Gen Z and millennials are more inclined to engage in “hands-on acts of generosity.” Over half of Gen Z adults (54 percent) report having volunteered their time to an organization in the past three months, surpassing older generations significantly.
Gen Z is also the most likely generation to assess their finances in the past three months, meaning they’re taking their financial status very seriously. Whether or not that makes an impact on giving financial support to others is yet to be seen.